Foundational Reformer - Single Leg - Single Heel

Foundational Pilates Reformer

Single Leg - Single Heel

Shop Reformers


The Pilates Reformer Single Leg Single Heel exercise involves maintaining a constant abdominal contraction while bending and extending a single leg supported by the heel on the footbar.  The unsupported leg remains elevated, straight, and engaged throughout the movement.  The focus is on the entire abdominal area as well as the hip extensors and quadriceps.  In addition, this exercise works several secondary muscles, including the muscles around the knee cap.  Core stability during asymmetric load on the lower body is also improved.


  • Strengthen the hip extensors and quadriceps.
  • Enhance core stability while the lower body moves under an unevenly distributed load.

Reformer Setup

  • Footbar in an elevated position.
  • Spring tension is moderate.
  • Carriage stoppers are adjusted to allow full bending of the knee to 90 degrees without hitting stoppers.
  • Headrest is positioned for comfort (can be up or down).

Starting Position

  • Supine on the carriage, tailbone centered.
  • Heel of one foot on footbar, ankle dorsiflexed (toes pulled towards shins).  Other unsupported leg extended straight to a 30 degree elevation with quadricep engaged and the ankle in dorsiflexion.
  • Both legs are parallel with knees tracking directly in line with the feet.
  • Foundational Reformer - Single Leg - Heels - Starting Position

    Starting position.

Execution (8-12 Repetitions Per Side)

  • On inhale, push carriage out by extending the supported leg until straight.  The unsupported leg stays straight and engaged, and remains stationary.  Both ankles remain in constant dorsiflexion (toes pulling towards shins) throughout the movement.
  • On exhale, bend the knee of the supporting leg to return to the starting position.  The unsupported leg stays straight and engaged, and remains stationary. Both ankles remain in constant dorsiflexion (toes pulling towards shins) throughout the movement.
  • Repeat the above movements for 8-12 repetitions, then repeat entire sequence for other leg.
  • Foundational Reformer - Single Leg - Heels - Bent Position

    Position 1. Bent position.

    Foundational Reformer - Single Leg - Heels - Extended Position

    Position 2. Extended position.  8-12 repetitions between positions 1 and 2.

    Foundational Reformer - Single Leg - Heels - Ending Position

    Position 4.  Return.

Common Mistakes

  • Core and upper body movement during exercise.  During the exercise, the core and upper body should remain completely immobile and stable while the legs are in motion.
  • Tension in upper shoulders and neck.  Ensure that the shoulders and neck are relaxed, with the shoulder blades retracted and stable.
  • Lateral movement of the pelvis (side-to-side) during leg movement.  Throughout the movement, the pelvis should stay steady and maintain an even position.
  • Knee of supported leg does not track perfectly vertical, but instead splays slightly to the side due to an external rotation.  Keep the alignment from hip to knee to ankle consistent to ensure that the knee tracks in a perfectly straight and vertical line.

Modifications & Variations

  • Perform exercise with the unsupported leg bent in tabletop throughout the entire movement.
  • Execute the exercise with the supporting leg in slight external rotation, keeping this rotation uniform throughout the entire movement.
  • Execute the exercise with the supporting leg in slight internal rotation, keeping this rotation uniform throughout the entire movement.

Shop Reformers

Maple Elite Studio Reformer accessories (jumpboard, sitting box, and platform extenders).
Maple Elite Studio Reformer side profile.
Maple Elite Studio Reformer
Front view of Maple Elite Studio Reformer showing the platform extender and foot strap.
Close up view of Maple Elite Studio Reformer springs and footbar (from side).
Maple Elite Studio Reformer rear posts and rear brand plaque, looking through the shoulder rests.
Maple Elite Studio Reformer front angled closeup showing the hard platform extender, foot strap, springs, and footbar.
Closeup of the Maple Elite Studio Reformer ultra-soft double loops and shoulder rest.
Closeup of Maple Elite Studio Reformer rear posts and pulleys.
Closeup of Maple Elite Studio Reformer ultra-soft double loop strap showing texture of straps.
The underside of the Maple Elite Studio Reformer, focusing of the carriage rail and spring systems.
Top angled view of the Maple Elite Studio Reformer showing the springs, platform extenders, sitting box, and footbar.
Closeup of Maple Elite Studio Reformer rear posts from behind.  Focus on the pulley height adjustment knobs.
Closeup of Maple Elite Studio Reformer springs and carriage stoppers.
Maple Elite Studio Reformer accessories (jumpboard, sitting box, and platform extenders).
Maple Elite Studio Reformer side profile.
Maple Elite Studio Reformer
Front view of Maple Elite Studio Reformer showing the platform extender and foot strap.
Close up view of Maple Elite Studio Reformer springs and footbar (from side).
Maple Elite Studio Reformer rear posts and rear brand plaque, looking through the shoulder rests.
Maple Elite Studio Reformer front angled closeup showing the hard platform extender, foot strap, springs, and footbar.
Closeup of the Maple Elite Studio Reformer ultra-soft double loops and shoulder rest.
Closeup of Maple Elite Studio Reformer rear posts and pulleys.
Closeup of Maple Elite Studio Reformer ultra-soft double loop strap showing texture of straps.
The underside of the Maple Elite Studio Reformer, focusing of the carriage rail and spring systems.
Top angled view of the Maple Elite Studio Reformer showing the springs, platform extenders, sitting box, and footbar.
Closeup of Maple Elite Studio Reformer rear posts from behind.  Focus on the pulley height adjustment knobs.
Closeup of Maple Elite Studio Reformer springs and carriage stoppers.
Maple Elite Studio Reformer

Maple Elite Studio Reformer

Maple Elite Home Folding Reformer folded and stored in a modern living room.
Side profile of Maple Elite Home Folding Reformer with accessories (sitting box, platform extender, and jumpboard).
Closeup of spring system on Maple Elite Home Folding Reformer.
Side angled view of Maple Elite Home Folding Reformer in folded configuration.
Closeup of the ultra-soft double loop straps of the Maple Elite Home Folding Reformer.
Maple Elite Home Folding Reformer folded and stored in a modern looking dining room.
Closeup of the back of the Maple Elite Home Folding Reformer rear posts.
Side angled closeup of the front of the Maple Elite Home Folding Reformer showing the platform extender, foot strap, and footbar.
Rear posts and branding plaque of the Maple Elite Home Folding Reformer, shown looking between the shoulder rests.
Closeup of Maple Elite Home Folding Reformer accessories (jumpboard, sitting box, and platform extender).
The back of the Maple Elite Home Folding Reformer in folded configuration.  Shows the rail and spring systems.
A folded Maple Elite Home Folding Reformer stored in a living room next to a fire place.
A Maple Elite Home Folding Reformer folded with gray leather.
Closeup of the rear posts and pulleys for a Maple Elite Home Folding Reformer.
Front view of the Maple Elite Home Folding Reformer showing the foot strap, springs, and carriage stopper.
Top, angled view of the spring and rail system for the Maple Elite Home Folding Reformer.
Side profile of the unfolded Maple Elite Home Folding Reformer.
Front view of a folded Maple Elite Home Folding Reformer.
Angled view of the rear posts, pulleys, and the brand plaque of the Maple Elite Home Folding Reformer.
Maple Elite Home Folding Reformer folded and stored in a modern living room.
Side profile of Maple Elite Home Folding Reformer with accessories (sitting box, platform extender, and jumpboard).
Closeup of spring system on Maple Elite Home Folding Reformer.
Side angled view of Maple Elite Home Folding Reformer in folded configuration.
Closeup of the ultra-soft double loop straps of the Maple Elite Home Folding Reformer.
Maple Elite Home Folding Reformer folded and stored in a modern looking dining room.
Closeup of the back of the Maple Elite Home Folding Reformer rear posts.
Side angled closeup of the front of the Maple Elite Home Folding Reformer showing the platform extender, foot strap, and footbar.
Rear posts and branding plaque of the Maple Elite Home Folding Reformer, shown looking between the shoulder rests.
Closeup of Maple Elite Home Folding Reformer accessories (jumpboard, sitting box, and platform extender).
The back of the Maple Elite Home Folding Reformer in folded configuration.  Shows the rail and spring systems.
A folded Maple Elite Home Folding Reformer stored in a living room next to a fire place.
A Maple Elite Home Folding Reformer folded with gray leather.
Closeup of the rear posts and pulleys for a Maple Elite Home Folding Reformer.
Front view of the Maple Elite Home Folding Reformer showing the foot strap, springs, and carriage stopper.
Top, angled view of the spring and rail system for the Maple Elite Home Folding Reformer.
Side profile of the unfolded Maple Elite Home Folding Reformer.
Front view of a folded Maple Elite Home Folding Reformer.
Angled view of the rear posts, pulleys, and the brand plaque of the Maple Elite Home Folding Reformer.
Maple Elite Home Folding Reformer

Maple Elite Home Folding Reformer

Side profile of the Maple Elite Studio Reformer With Tower showing all accessories.
Closeup of the Maple Elite Studio Reformer With Tower ultra-soft double loop showing the soft texture of the loops.
Closeup of the rear posts of the Maple Elite Studio Reformer With Tower showing the pulley and brand plaque.
Rear angled view of the Maple Elite Studio Reformer With Tower.  Focus is on the tower and tower accessories.
Closeup of the rear tower mount brackets on the Maple Elite Studio Reformer With Tower.
Side profile of the Maple Elite Studio Reformer With Tower focusing on the tower accessories.
Closeup of the Maple Elite Studio Reformer With Tower push-through bar.
Front view of Maple Elite Studio Reformer With Tower showing the platform extender, mat converter, and foot strap.
Maple Elite Studio Reformer With Tower with white leather after unpacking.  The leather is still in the protective wrap.
Side closeup showing the platform extender, springs, and footbar of the Maple Elite Studio Reformer With Tower.
Angled view of the Maple Elite Studio Reformer With Tower.  Focus on the tower and tower accessories.
Front angled closeup of Maple Elite Studio Reformer With Tower.  Focus on the platform extender, footstrap, and springs.
Underside of the Maple Elite Studio Reformer With Tower.  Focus on the rail and spring system.
Top angled view showing the sitting box, platform extenders, and footbar of the Maple Elite Studio Reformer With Tower.
Angled view of the spring system and carriage stoppers for the Maple Elite Studio Reformer With Tower.
Top view of a Maple Elite Studio Reformer With Tower in white with focus on the spring system.
Side profile of the Maple Elite Studio Reformer With Tower showing all accessories.
Closeup of the Maple Elite Studio Reformer With Tower ultra-soft double loop showing the soft texture of the loops.
Closeup of the rear posts of the Maple Elite Studio Reformer With Tower showing the pulley and brand plaque.
Rear angled view of the Maple Elite Studio Reformer With Tower.  Focus is on the tower and tower accessories.
Closeup of the rear tower mount brackets on the Maple Elite Studio Reformer With Tower.
Side profile of the Maple Elite Studio Reformer With Tower focusing on the tower accessories.
Closeup of the Maple Elite Studio Reformer With Tower push-through bar.
Front view of Maple Elite Studio Reformer With Tower showing the platform extender, mat converter, and foot strap.
Maple Elite Studio Reformer With Tower with white leather after unpacking.  The leather is still in the protective wrap.
Side closeup showing the platform extender, springs, and footbar of the Maple Elite Studio Reformer With Tower.
Angled view of the Maple Elite Studio Reformer With Tower.  Focus on the tower and tower accessories.
Front angled closeup of Maple Elite Studio Reformer With Tower.  Focus on the platform extender, footstrap, and springs.
Underside of the Maple Elite Studio Reformer With Tower.  Focus on the rail and spring system.
Top angled view showing the sitting box, platform extenders, and footbar of the Maple Elite Studio Reformer With Tower.
Angled view of the spring system and carriage stoppers for the Maple Elite Studio Reformer With Tower.
Top view of a Maple Elite Studio Reformer With Tower in white with focus on the spring system.
Maple Elite Studio Reformer With Tower

Maple Elite Studio Reformer With Tower

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Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer

Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer

Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer With Tower
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer With Tower
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer With Tower
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer With Tower
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer With Tower
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer With Tower
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer - Platform Extender 2.jpg__PID:851c8f11-7ec8-408e-8512-1765062e4b78
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer - Footbar Correct.jpg__PID:344dbbd0-bf87-424e-9396-e2961406780d
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer With Tower
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer - Spring System.jpg__PID:df9f344d-bbd0-4f87-b24e-d396e2961406
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer With Tower
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer - Foot strap.jpg__PID:7ec8e08e-c512-4765-862e-4b780d8605a7
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer With Tower
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer With Tower
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer With Tower
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer With Tower
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer With Tower
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer With Tower
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer - Platform Extender 2.jpg__PID:851c8f11-7ec8-408e-8512-1765062e4b78
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer - Footbar Correct.jpg__PID:344dbbd0-bf87-424e-9396-e2961406780d
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer With Tower
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer - Spring System.jpg__PID:df9f344d-bbd0-4f87-b24e-d396e2961406
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer With Tower
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer - Foot strap.jpg__PID:7ec8e08e-c512-4765-862e-4b780d8605a7
Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer With Tower

Aluminum Elite Studio Reformer With Tower
