The Pilates Reformer 45 Degrees Arms Straight exercise focuses on isolating and strengthening the lat muscles of the back (latissimus dorsi). In addition, this exercise works secondary muscles including the tricep and rear deltoid (shoulders).
- Strengthen the lats and other muscles in the back.
- Improve core stability.
- Improve scapular stability during arm movement.
Reformer Setup
- Footbar down.
- Spring tension moderate.
- Loop length and carriage stoppers adjusted to ensure carriage fully supported by straps throughout exercise.
- Headrest up.
Starting Position
- Supine on the carriage, shoulders against shoulder rests, head resting on elevated headrest.
- Loops held evenly in both hands and under tension, palms facing feet, hand open with fingers extended. Arms are extended straight by sides, close to body, palms facing down and touching carriage. Carriage is pulled off stoppers and fully supported by straps.
- Legs pressing together in tabletop.
- Scapular muscles engaged and retracted (preventing the shoulders from shrugging).

Starting position.
Execution (10 Repetitions)
- On inhale, raise arms on a 45 degree angle up and outward. Keep arms straight. Stop just before hands pass plane of shoulders.
- On exhale, lower arm back down the 45 degree angle to the starting position. Arms remain straight throughout.

Position 1. Start.

Position 2. Arms extended to 45 degrees.

Position 3. Arms transition back to starting position.

Position 4. Arms back in starting position.
Common Mistakes
- Elbows bend as arms raise. Keep arms straight throughout movement.
- Shoulders shrug. Keep scapular muscles fully engaged throughout movement, pulling shoulder blades back and down away from ears.
- Wrist moves during exercise. Keep wrist straight and immobile throughout movement.
- Carriage movement not smooth. Keep movement controlled.
- Arms rotate inward during motion. Maintain palms facing feet.
- Mid-back flattens onto carriage. Keep natural curve of spine with core engaged.
Modifications & Variations
- Perform a half raise and lower in between each full raise and lower. The sequence is: From starting position, raise arms halfway to top 45 degree position, roughly inline with knees, then lower arms back to starting position before allowing arms to raise and lower through entire range of motion.
- Perform with palms facing hips or palms facing up.